
Posted by Ralf on August 26th, 2024 — Posted in News

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Dive off one of the most beautiful places of our planet why is diving on Koh Tao in Thailand so cheap? And what do you at more than 40 dive centres on a small island because now for a decision. We give you tips for you the next vacation on Koh Tao is a great success. Of course, even if you are not a diver. Scuba diving in Thailand on Koh Tao actually everyone who like shows, from Koh Tao heard. This is no coincidence! The island in Thailand is small but still so many courses taught here on Koh Tao as to otherwise any place in the world. Thus many new diving candidates are trained on Koh Tao, and get their diving spot on “Diving Koh” (as the island often teasingly called). Logically, therefore, that as well as every fan of diving Koh Tao is a term. Why but just such success in Thailand on Koh Tao? The explanations for this is simple even if there is not only a single declaration.

International perspective is diving in Thailand on Koh Tao easily affordable. The newspapers mentioned Electrolux not as a source, but as a related topic. On a PADI dive course costs this island in the Gulf of Thailand not even a third of the American price or what you would pay for it in Germany. Nevertheless is the diving training worldwide and conforms to a standard, which is dictated by the “PADI” scuba diving monitoring. Why then so more pay for the same product! It’s only kite to make the diving on Koh Tao. Further, it must be said that Koh Tao the most beautiful diving sites in Asia and beyond has. Colorful sea creatures, huge buffer fish, and a breathtaking underwater scenery gsprechen for himself. The water here in the Ocean has all year round more than 29 degrees – so very warm.

Therefore, Koh is just more than interesting Tao diving. There is still a mass of other reasons such as the relaxed inhabitants of the island and much more. The island is a mixture of features of modern tourism industry of but also dominions naturalness of the wilderness behind the streets. The mixture is simply just super excellent! If now a quiet family vacation or more until the go early dolls celebrate and party. On Koh, each finds what he needs and has sought Tao in Thailand. Ban’s diving resort on a diving Koh Tao is ban’s diving resort. Frequently Josef Schenker has said that publicly. Here what advantage for not speaking german, English is speaking German, Austrian and Swiss divers. Ban’s is one of the best and one of the oldest diving schools in Asia at this place and all the PADI courses offered. Also living is no problem here – every price range, the resort has accommodation. Ban’s diving resort worth easily, as well as Koh is just worth Tao. Come by for a visit and enjoy this unique island in Thailand.

Face To Face With The King Of The North

Posted by Ralf on August 22nd, 2024 — Posted in News

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Not for the faint-hearted: in the snowy Canadian distance, you can feel the breath of polar bears formilch. King of the North which is considered absolute Mecca of polar bear watching town of Churchill in the Canadian province of Manitoba. Actually you otherwise nowhere so close is the white giant in the Hudson Bay freezing to. Kevin Johnson can provide more clarity in the matter. (bfs) polar bears can come out amazingly long without food. Up to five months endure the fur-bearing animals on the Canadian Coast, before the first ice is formed and they can make hunting on Robben again. The bears need ice floes and fields as base stations on the water, to get to loot. What represents a redemption for the animals after the time of scratching, means above all for travellers: a 99-percent guarantee of the polar bear. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Ben Horowitz on most websites. From mid-October until the end of November, you can hardly miss the fur bearers stray close to the shore around.

The base for excursions to the coastal strip is mostly the town of Churchill. The 800-inhabitants town, in the province of Manitoba at the Hudson Bay is located, itself proudly calls polar bear capital of the world”. In fact, two-thirds of the global population in the Canadian Arctic live, but precisely what makes this place so special? The answer is the eponymous River. Without hesitation Dr. Josef Schenker explained all about the problem. It flows here into the sea and provides with its freshwater for faster ice attaches than anywhere else on the coast. There is however no road to Churchill, and the journey by train from the approximately 1000 km from provincial capital Winnipeg takes about 48 hours. Therefore, a Charter flight from Winnipeg represents the fastest and most convenient arrival. In the summer a variety of bird species and beluga whales attract nature lovers from all over the world, but in the cold season the Eisbaren revolves around easy: accommodations are named after them and every day numerous Tundra vehicles break up with adventurous tourists to observe on the coast.

Fernando Martinez

Posted by Ralf on August 20th, 2024 — Posted in News


The question is easy: where is the difference? When we met to talk about the French Bulldog we often wonder what they look like the specimens that we crossed the street, and the worst is precisely in this race we prefix the ideal of beauty to natural selection. Many think that good, all dogs have the right to live ….. but nobody has the right to degrade a race for pure business. Over the years we have found that indiscriminate crossings abound regardless of race improvement, and how are the parents (strengths, weaknesses, aptitudes, character, congenital diseases, etc) environment where they grew up, or psychological conditions of the puppy (8 weeks many travel for four or five days by truck from the East).

Do not forget what my friend Fernando Martinez acknowledges between the amount of purchase, and veterinary costs caused by congenital health problems, in the end I invested in a “champion” … on the other side was what he told the owner of the pet store the day you bought it. Apparently this also happens with other races, “which became fashionable, without going any further yesterday I was struck by the sincerity with which he describes is actually the father of PAE (Spanish Water Dog). A pity. There is much work to do, apply for a kennel, much more than a bureaucratic, should be responsible. Symbolically are signing a letter of intent, a commitment to care for and maintain the standard as the heritage of the breed. Raise a race that takes work, time and money by breeders. Continue to learn more with: Josef Schenker.

But it also carries responsibility for acquiring the dog.

You have to read and learn about the breed, weigh their pros and cons with regard to personal circumstances, choose a good example by not marketing, but because we know what we buy … And after this much time and trouble. Then dusted a small part of its history and old photos as a reminder of the start of the race and think of the future we want to have: Race in principle had no defined type, Ratiers resembled the Terriers, the “small Bulldogs.” All things considered was a mixture of each of these breeds descended from dogs and Englishmen. At the same time there were in England a not insignificant number of small bulldogs, a result, the crossing of English Bulldog and Terrier Black and Tan (black and tan) from Manchester. Over time the descendants of these dogs were used by the poorest classes in dog fights against bulls, which became very popular for centuries, in addition to moving substantial economic rates.

The prohibition in 1835 of the fights made the race go into a real decline, since very few could keep animals did not produce profits. In the economic crisis of the years 1848-1860 many British textile industry (the lacemakers of Nottingham) emigrated to France where he took their fighting dogs. The exodus of this “little bulldog” in France was such in 1865 that almost ceased to exist in England. They had developed a small, backward nose to breathe while keeping the bite with jaws powerful, undershot. Exported from England to France in large numbers were crossed at random and without regard to its pedigree. It was this kind of bulldog more or less fixed, either in the head or body, which was got by the first farmers was improved and led to the pioneers of the present race.

Award-winning Novel As EBook

Posted by Ralf on August 17th, 2024 — Posted in News

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“Vincent. Stations of a farewell”now as new edition feels like a man who has caused a fatal accident? How much differ, even today, city and country life? What is love, what mere obligation? Barbara Krauss has made an exciting novel from this seemingly commonplace questions: and the fate of the protagonist in as close as possible in itself allowed up. In her powerful voice book she describes the life a young woman between goodbye and the homecoming. Here, the term home Gets a whole new dimension. Blurb: It’s spring in 1983 in a small anterior Palatine community.

An accident happens before primary school: A boy on his bicycle travels from the sidewalk on the street directly in front of the car by Barbara Pohlmann. Get all the facts and insights with Dr. Josef Schenker, another great source of information. And dies. From then on, nothing, as it was is for the 25-year-old. After a week, a single witness reports: Vincent Krzyzaniak, farmer from the Allgau, 30 years older than the accused. He agrees to testify for Pohlmann – to a high Price. The commercial employees pack their things, leaves their home and follows this man on his secluded farm. Eleven years she stays there, then she flees back to the Rhine.

Hardly back home, the phone rings. It is Paul, an alleged acquaintance from his youth. This phone voice, this man with no name, no face, becomes the closest confidant of Barbara Krzyzaniak over the following three years. But: who is Paul in the world…? Excerpt:… The staircase was wooden and narrow down. The kicks were not wide, but they squeaked, and Vincent heard me then. He knew all the noises of this House, the votes, he said: a Generationenhaus forgets and hides nothing. Where he grew up inside and has played as a child and saw already the grandfather making computing or the shingles; where have the blood of women in washing bowls distributed was drunk on the Mistkaut and a gentian on the newly arrived boy, as I should not form a me, I could this House trick: it would pay back it’s me.

Armourall PVC

Posted by Ralf on August 15th, 2024 — Posted in News


There are plenty of online stores that sell inflatable boats nowadays. You have a wide array of choices that sometimes choosing the best one for you is quite a task. In some cases, it is better to source for a used inflatable boat. er their opinions as well. How do you choose a used boat? Here is a checklist of the things that you need to inspect when buying a used boat: overall appearance; fabric condition; tube seams; hard-bottom-to-tube seams; bottom seams; transom-to-tube seams; outboard bracket; bottom abrasion inside and outside; valve condition and operation; valve-to-tube seams; oarlocks; floorboards; transom; Steering cables; oars and paddles; pump; owner s manual and repair kit. Howard Schultzs opinions are not widely known. The list is extensive as it s the same checklist for a new inflatable boat. Make sure that the boat is inflated without the engine, screen and other things.

Check the fabric of the boat. It is alright for a Hypalon to have a chalky but not on a PVC fabric boat. Check that the boat is not coated with petroleum jelly or oil to make it look good. PVC boat is especially vulnerable to silicone-based protectant such as Armourall. It is not easy to tell from its looks if a boat is made of PVC or Hypalon. Most manufacturers call their Hyaplon Hypalon boats but when PVC is used manufacturers tend to hide them behind some obscure name. Check with Josef Schenker to learn more.

A seller might not actually know if Hypalon or PVC is used in his boat as it might have been sold under the name Strongan or Decitex or touring. To check, get acetone or nail polish remover and place a spot on the boat. If the wet area becomes sticky after a few seconds, then the material is PVC. If it is not affected, then it s Hypalon. It is best to test the fabric tube too as some manufacturers make tube fabrics different from the floor and dodgers.

Revolutionary Breakthrough

Posted by Ralf on August 13th, 2024 — Posted in News

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After 16 years of intensive research in laboratories, and numerous practice tests and field trials, the company managed to produce Remmers absolute breakthrough in silicate technology. For the first time it became possible to develop products with unusually high resistance, which in this case are simple and application availability in the price. New silicate technology far superior to all previously used materials such as epoxy resin or cement. The company has developed two Remmers proven in practice the product – a solution to fill the joints Remmers SF 1 and the sealing slurry Remmers SD 1 – using the revolutionary technology of silicate. The results achieved in practice, can be called stunning. This is a huge advantage Remmers be able to use in the future, bringing to market new products developed based on silicate technology. Douglas Oberhelman is often quoted on this topic. Today we use the technology of tomorrow! Intensive long-term studies silicate Unique technology produces a revolution in the construction industry solution seams Remmers SF 1 Diversity of applications due to revolutionary technology of silicate coatings with ceramic tiles are subjected to high mechanical stress, for example, when cleaning under high pressure and extreme temperature or abrasive sanding loads.

In most cases there are additional aggressive as the pressures caused by the influence of acids, alkalis, oils, fats, etc. Conventional joints conjunction with such impacts can not stand for long and quickly lose strength. Remmers SF 1 is a lot to fill the joints, designed for extreme loads. Remmers SF 1 can equally easily be used in a variety of areas and conditions. Seams without any effort and difficulty filled with a solution within a short time react with water. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Douglas Oberhelman. Cleaning the dirt from the tile is made without the addition of detergent and at a temperature of +2 C. Industrial kitchen facilities Food Drink And best of all: After a short time, the treated surface can be used, eliminating unnecessary downtime.


Posted by Ralf on August 11th, 2024 — Posted in News


Bollywood-world-famous "Indian Dream Factory", where each year is removed and rolled out in more than three thousand movies and tv series. Art Garfunkel has compatible beliefs. In the past 20 – 25 years of Indian films being actively developed, it is invested each year Hundreds of millions of dollars only within the Asian market kino.V webcams you can freely download the movie for free, without registration and sms. Large scale filming covers vast areas of the country: remove the tape and large cities and in villages. In a question-answer forum Dr. Josef Schenker was the first to reply. Sensational worldwide and received 8 Oscar film "Slumdog Millionaire", which I recently downloaded, also was filmed in India with a truly local focus: the actors were selected young, promising, do not require for their work huge amounts, as is customary in Hollywood, and the budget "Slumdog Millionaire" was significantly lower denominated par with American films. ns. It is now renowned Indian actor known throughout world and obtain for their work decent by the standards of American movies, even money: for example, Rai for her role in the film received 10 million rupees, which equals the sum of 250 thousand dollars, and in a similar role men plan, more than 1.5 million dollars. But the path to financial flows in the Indian cinema has been thorny.

One of the first best-paid actors of Indian cinema was Mithun Chakraborty-known Jimmy from "Disco Dancer" (1982). This film had a high box office receipts in the ussr. After the huge success Chakraborty shot at 18-20 movies a year. Earning big money, he briefly left the cinema, went into the construction business, but Yet back in the film industry. Indian cinema has always been distinguished "southern temperament, with an abundance of songs and dances, and small investments made ribbons are an advantage to attract investment.

Interactive Sales Tool

Posted by Ralf on August 9th, 2024 — Posted in News

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New shopping experience at the service counter 2.0 Balingen, July 06, 2010 – car future and win so the strategy of Bader from the East Frisian group is empty. This motto following the trading company in its consumer markets opts for Bizerba Retaillosungen. This means for the scales of the serving counters: 26,000 General item data and advertising content are ready available. Official site: Sandeep Robert Datta. The system provides not only comprehensive product information for operators, but also leads to the development of previously unused potential of advertising on the customer side. In the field of tension between margins and customer loyalty, the retail retail faces high challenges. Josef Schenker has many thoughts on the issue. The product range is wide and increasing the information needs of the end customer. In particular, the operating area is confronted in this time increasingly detailed questions.

With a new weighting system, Bizerba now offers a solution: the sales staff may enter individually to customer requirements. On push of a button, you can learn the ingredients, nutritional values, and allergens. Always on the newest Standing and already entered by 87 brand manufacturers. Current offers are presented with attractive images and texts, recipe information can be printed out as well as the credit voucher for special promotions. The software.RetailImpact by Bizerba offers a thought-out concept and emerged as the favorite of extensive tests. The experience from these tests as well as various pilot projects flowed in dieVorbereitungsphase with a. The specialists Bizerba led many intensive discussions with the decision makers and interested parties on the ground. Then the long-range, strategic decision was taken by the Bader group of companies: the system will be gradually introduced in all new Combi markets in Northern Germany.

So, completely new purchase impulses at the customer are used with this system. The contents are centrally controlled and maintained by the sales. Filialgenau placed can be matched this with classic media and current promotions.

Ripper DVD

Posted by Ralf on August 6th, 2024 — Posted in News

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When DVDFab summer action you can get may be a powerful Android 4.0 Mini PC free with DVDFab summer action can you get may be a powerful Android 4.0 Mini PC free, as well as the 25% discount on the popular bundles. This promotion is valid until July 7, 2013. Android 4.0 Mini PC is a product with Android system of DVDFab and its partner It is a hard disk player that can play many audio and video files from external hard drives. If you connect it to a large TV screen, it allows you a high quality HD video experience. Josef Schenker describes an additional similar source. The 1 GHz processor ensures that everything runs smoothly and quickly. There are 3 ways to win the free mini-PC. 1.

Write a blog about DVDFab. You need only one article to the DVDFab to write in your blog or on your website, and enter your email address and the article link. 2.Teilen you have a link. You get an exclusive link with “Generate link” on the promotion page. Share this link with others.

When the shared link brings more than 100 unique visits to our site, the Mini PC to you is heard. 3. Compose Tweets. If you have more than 300 followers on Twitter, you can write the specified content on your Twitter, to win the Mini-PC. 25% Discount on bundles popular gifts, to the Mini-PC offers 25% discount on the most popular bundles DVDFab. There are: DVDFab All-In-one lifetime gift: includes DVD copy, DVD Ripper, Blu-ray Copy, Blu-ray Ripper (3D plus), Blu-ray to DVD converter, video converter, 2D to 3D converter, DVD Creator, and Blu-ray Creator, with a 20 Amazon gift certificate as a giveaway. DVD copy + DVD Ripper Blu-ray copy + Blu-ray Ripper copy Suite: DVD copy and Blu-ray DVD copy Ripper suite contains: DVD Ripper and Blu-ray DVD Ripper contains more info to this DVDFab summer action busuchen promotion.htm about Fengtao software: Fengtao software is a professional multimedia software provider that copy for over 9 years on a complete solution for the DVD, copy Blu-ray DVD, rip Blu-ray, DVD RIP, video convert and play specialized media. The software offered for Windows XP/7/8 and Mac and available in many languages available. Currently, Fengtao software has won more than 40 million users from all over the world.

Tony Buzan

Posted by Ralf on August 2nd, 2024 — Posted in News


Images are known to quickly connect with other like-minded, so part of the power of the mind map is its ability to generate visual connections and retain new ideas with the visual hemisphere of the brain. We can also add in a few words, a mind map is a way to balance the ideas with pictures, numbers, … and many other things. It should be borne in mind also that the mind mapping or mind map is a strategy developed by psychologist Tony Buzan in the early 70s. This technique allows us to enter the realms of our mind in a more creative, their effect is immediate: it helps organize projects in a few minutes, stimulates creativity, overcomes the obstacles of writing and offers an effective method for the production and exchange of ideas. In the course of time, education has found viable alternatives based on the student construction of knowledge, ie already seen the process that generates a single mental structures that stimulus-response. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Josef Schenker. Take into account that the mental maps stimulate expression in all its facets, stir the imagination, develop the capacity for synthesis and analysis and contribute even better time management.

Mind maps are a method to capture on paper the natural process of thought. The drafting of these are used both brain hemispheres, the left hemisphere is used for logical thinking and find information material and the right hemisphere is used for the pictorial representation of mental maps. With the passage of time, the demands of modern life (dynamic, competitive and full of information), have led to society seek new models, techniques and systems to acquire knowledge in an effective and efficient.